ClarusONE Sourcing Services LLP (“ClarusONE” or “we”) strives to be a trusted and ethical organisation which does not tolerate, permit, or engage in modern slavery and human trafficking. Please take time to read through this important document. It sets out the principles ClarusONE follows.
ClarusONE expects all suppliers to act with honesty and integrity, in line with the respective Codes of Conduct under which it operates. This modern slavery policy meets the obligations ClarusONE has under the Modern Slavery Act 2015 (as amended from time to time). Your compliance with this policy is a condition of us working with you.
Modern Slavery is a serious crime and gross violation of fundamental human rights. It takes various forms including slavery, servitude, forced and compulsory labour and human trafficking all of which have in common the deprivation of a person’s liberty by another in order to exploit them for personal or commercial gain.
This policy applies to any and all vendors that are responsible for supplying ClarusONE with products or services, including their colleagues, contractors and third-party workers (collectively “Suppliers”).
ClarusONE expects its Suppliers to hold their own suppliers to the same high standards and also not engage in any activity, practice or conduct that would constitute an offence under the Modern Slavery Act 2015. The minimum standards expected by ClarusONE are as follows:
All employment must be voluntary.
Suppliers shall not require or force any worker to make any financial guarantees to secure employment.
Suppliers shall not purchase any raw materials or products sourced from producers or manufacturers using forced labour or child labour in its operations or practices.
Suppliers must not require that any worker make a monetary deposit as a condition for employment.
Suppliers shall not require workers to surrender any original identification document as a condition of employment.
Suppliers shall not place restrictions on workers’ voluntarily ending their employment, such as excessive notice periods or substantial fines for terminating their employment
Suppliers shall require that the office and or manufacturing facilities where they work respect a worker’s right to remove himself/herself from a work situation based on a reasonable justification that the situation presents an imminent and serious danger to his/her life or health.
Suppliers shall not support or engage in human trafficking.
Suppliers shall undertake all necessary due diligence, when appointing workers, to ensure that they prove their right to work and that they do not indicate any warning signs of human trafficking (e.g., a worker’s pay being transmitted into a bank account in another name).
Suppliers may not physically prevent or delay workers from leaving the office or manufacturing facility or its grounds except for a reasonable safety reason and shall not enforce compulsory overtime.
Suppliers compensate all workers with wages, overtime premiums and benefits that meet or exceed legal requirements or collective agreements, whichever are higher.
The Modern Slavery Act requires all UK commercial organisations which supply goods or services and has a total turnover greater than £36 million to prepare a slavery and human trafficking statement for each financial year of the organisation. ClarusONE’s statement can be found on its website at:
If you ever suspect or become aware of any breaches of the Modern Slavery Act or the principles set out in this document, you must immediately notify your ClarusONE contact. We expect you to fully co-operate with any inquiries we make in relation to this area.
Non-compliance with any applicable laws will result in the immediate termination of any relationship with ClarusONE and/or its members and we may report the matter to the relevant authorities.
If you have any questions or concerns, please speak to your ClarusONE contact.